How color printing changed the world

Color printing according to many people is a new concept , but the fact of the matter is that color printing has been in vogue since a long time. The first color printing was done way back in the early 14th century. The first color book printed was perhaps the ‘Buddhist Sutra’ which was first published way back in the the 14th century. Color printing led to wide publication of colored books.
When we talk about printing,everyone is aware about the Gutenberg press which led to wide publication of books amongst the masses. The printing press led to huge printing of banners amongst the masses.The first book to be published was the holy bible. With the advent of time, color printing became more well known. There are several printing presses in Gurgaon, which expertise in business card printing  in Gurgaon and poster printing in Gurgaon.

During the Victorian period, printing industry became so widespread, that thousands of printing companies came into existence. This industry soon became well known to almost all the countries in the world. With the turn of the century, the printing industry became more commercialised.
In India, too, in the modern times, number of printing presses have opened in the recent times.

Nowadays, the printing presses include several state of the art technology to print banners and scripts. These printing companies take to methods like digital printing, banner printing, etc. Digital printing as the name suggests is printing which takes place through the means of digitalisation or through computers. There are several companies of flyers printing in Gurgaon too.

Hence, we can see that printing industry ha come a long way over a period of time. These developments are meant to see new dimensions with period of time to come. The future seems promising for the print press industry.


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