
Showing posts from August, 2017

Flyers Poster Color B&W,Business Card printing in Gurgaon

A brief swot up on printing Printing according to many people is a modern technique , but the fact of the matter is that printing is one art that came in vogue long time ago. The first instance of printing was perhaps in China, with the publication of the Buddhist Sutra. Wide publication of printing occurred with the establishment of the Gutenberg press. The holy Bible was perhaps, the first book that was published and circulated worldwide. With the advent of time, more and more publishing houses came in vogue.In the victorian England , more and more publishing houses started operating.  As time went by, new methods of printing came into existence. This led to publication of more and more magazines and more printing houses came into establishment. Along with the western world many printing houses opened in countries like India, Pakistan etc. Printing houses started operating in every nook and corner of the country. Business card printing in Gurgaon , and f...